コーヒーにライムがミャンマー流 / Coffee and lime is the Myanmar way
2015 / Kyaukpadaung, Mandalay Region
割れた窓から笑顔 / Smiling through a broken window
1996 / Namhsan, Shan State
ミャンマーの猫3兄弟 / Three Cat Brothers in Myanmar
2016 / Yangon
その笑顔がたまりません / Love that smile
2015 / Natmauk, Magwey Region
人力観覧車はお祭りで人気のアトラクション / Human-powered Ferris wheel is a popular attraction at festivals
1996 / Yangon
ブッダも眼鏡が必要だったのかな / Buddha needed glasses too?
2011 / Shwemyetman Pagoda, Bago Region
ペアルックでお参り / Wearing the same clothes to worship
2020 / Mingun, Mandalay Region
お買い物 / Shopping
1996 / Hsipaw, Shan State
木の電柱 / Wooden utility pole
2014 / Loikaw, Kayah State
振り向く猫 / A cat that turns around
2011 / Kalaw, Shan State
木が3本 / Three trees
2019 / Yangon
相席 / Sitting together
2019 / Yangon
田園を走る / Driving through the countryside
2014 / Loikaw, Kayah State
ハケを売る少年 / The boy who sells brushes
1994 / Yangon
茎から繊維が取れるパドンマという種類のハス / A species of lotus called Padomma that produces fibers from its stems
2013 / Salin, Magwey Region
仏教遺跡バガンで夕日が沈むのを待つ / Waiting for sunset at a Buddhist ruins in Bagan
2015 / Bagan, Mandalay Region
花を持った男の子 / Boy with a flower
1996 / Namhsan, Shan State
モニュメント / Monuments
2014 / Paan, Kayin State
日傘は必須アイテム / Parasol is must
2019 / Yangon
気持ちのいい牛車道 / A pleasant ox cart path
2011 / Yangon
51番通りの看板 / Sign on 51st Street
2019 / Yangon
音符のような鳩 / Pigeons as musical notes
2019 / Yangon
In the scent of durians
1996 / Yangon
ミャンマーの「インジン」という花は「沙羅双樹」と日本語訳されるが全く違うもの / Myanmar’s "ingyin" flower is translated into Japanese as “saul (sarasoujyu)”, but it is completely different
2019 / Yangon
ドアの隙間から覗いてみた / Peeked through the doorway
2019 / Yangon
夕暮れ時 / Evening twilight
1996 / Yangon
丸い教会 / Round church
2014 / Pekon, Shan State
/ Lethwei players in the main event
2019 / Yangon
参拝へ / Going to worship
1996 / Bago
日本の車両、試運転じゃなく活躍中 / Japanese train cars, not on trial, in active service
2019 / Yangon
夕陽 / Sunset
2015 / Natmauk, Magwey Region
朝の風景 / Morning Landscape
1996 / Yangon
寒くなってきましたね / It’s getting colder
2014 / Mindat, Chin State
母の愛 / Mother’s Love
2004 / Yangon
小学校で兄の授業終わりを待つ妹 / A sister waits for her brother to finish his class at an elementary school
1996 / Namhsan, Shan State
大きな木の下の家に暮らせたら幸せだろうな / I'd be happy to live in a house under a big tree
2005 / Yangon
シュエダゴンパゴダで好きな場所 / My favorite place in Shwedagon Pagoda
2004 / Yangon
雑誌を借りてきた少女 / The girl who borrowed the magazine
1996 / Namhsan, Shan State
アウンサン将軍が描かれた新1000チャット紙幣 / New 1,000 kyat banknote with General Aung San
2020 / Yangon
あちゃ〜修復しちゃったのね / Oh no, it's been restored
2020 / Phowintaung cave, Sagaing Region
どこに何があるか天才的な記憶力を発揮する薬屋 / A drugstore with a genius memory for where to find things
1996 / Yangon
商品棚の中で寝てもいいお店 / Store where it's okay to sleep in the shelves
2020 / Yangon
車道でも寝る / Sleep in the driveway
2019 / Yangon
移動式たばこ・キンマ屋 / Mobile cigarette and betle shop
1996 / Yangon
ミャンマーにもクレヨンしんちゃんが / Crayon Shin chan in Myanmar
2020 / Yangon
リスの大ジャーンプ / Squirrel’s Big Jump
2020 / Inwa, Mandalay Region
子守りしながら遊ぶ / Playing while babysitting
1996 / Namhsan, Shan State
猫と散歩 / Walking with a cat
2020 / Yangon
有名な僧正の説法会は終わったけれど、ありがたいからそのまま / The famous monk's preaching session is over, but the grateful poster is still there
2020 / Yangon
ラクダとキス / Kissing a camel
1996 / Yangon
立派な二階建ての巣箱 / A magnificent two-story birdhouse
2020 / Yangon
だるまちゃんのライター置き / Daruma’s lighter place
2020 / Yangon
普段から民族衣装を着る女性 / A woman who usually wears traditional clothes
1996 / Namhsan, Shan State
食事をくれる人を知っている / They know who will feed them
2011 / Kalaw, Shan State
嗜好品のキンマ・タバコ屋の看板ねこ / Lucky cat in a betle and cigarette shop
2020 / Yangon
シンプルな台所 / Simple Kitchen
2015 / Lahe, Sagaing Region
ヒンドゥーのお祭で見かけた素敵な帽子をかぶるダンサー / Dancers wearing nice hats at a Hindu festival
2020 / Yangon
年季の入ったクリーニング屋の看板 / Old signboard of a laundry store
2019 / Yangon
お祭りの日の楽団 / Music band on a festival day
1996 / Namhsan, Shan State
眠い時は寝る / When he's sleepy, he sleeps
2020 / Yangon
頭上注意 / Attention on the head
2020 / Yangon
当時の国旗を持つ / Holding the flag at the time
1996 / Namhsan, Shan State
南インド・タミル系の家の前に描かれていた絵 / A painting in front of a house of South Indian Tamil origin
2020 / Yangon
また行きたくなるお店 / A place to go back to
2019 / Yangon
寝釈迦仏の前でお昼寝 / Napping in front of the Reclining Buddha
1996 / Bago
タクシーの中の花 / Flowers in a taxi
2020 / Yangon
A family photo in the home of a Hindu man who said, "That's me in the center, when I became a buddhist novice” He's been a monk many times after that
2020 / Yangon
牛車の車輪跡はどこまでも / The wheel tracks of the ox cart go on forever
2005 / Bagan, Mandalay Region
線路は続く / The tracks continue
2016 / Yangon
もうすぐ出番 / Almost on the clock
2015 / Yangon
ヤンゴン川のカモメのように飛べたらいいな / I wish I could fly like a seagull on the Yangon River
2019 / Yangon
とてもお世話になった写真屋 computer
The photo shop “computer” that was very helpful to me. I'm sad that it's not here anymore because the shop moved
2019 / Yangon
青い空、白い雲 / Blue sky, white clouds
2014 / Yangon
お母さんと茶摘み / Picking tea leaves with his mother
1996 / Namhsan, Shan State
ミャンマーの地獄絵 / Hell paintings in Myanmar
2004 / Yangon
大きな木の下は遊び場にもってこい / Under the big tree is a good place to play
2005 / Bagan, Mandalay Region
列車が到着したら物売り少女の出番 / When the train arrives, it's time for the peddler girl
1996 / Thazi, Mandalay Region
ミャンマー仏教は8曜日、ヒンドゥー教は9曜日? / Eight days of the week for Myanmar Buddhism, nine days of the week for Hinduism?
2019 / Yangon
カセットテープで音楽聞きたいな / I want to listen to music on a cassette tape
2016 / Yangon
タナッカー・ボーイズ / The Thanaka Boys
2012 / Yangon
またみんなで遊びたいね / Soap bubbles ! To play together again
2011 / Yangon
Happy Easter
2015 / Yangon
喫茶店の看板娘 / The pretty girl of the tea shop
1996 / Namhsan, Shan State
木の上で読書 / Reading in a tree
2017 / Nyaung Oo, Mandalay Region
イスはいらんかね〜 / Do you need a chair?
2018 / Yangon
信号がなくてもおじいちゃんと一緒なら安全 / Even if there's no traffic light, safe with grandpa
1996 / Yangon
稲刈りする母親を待つ少女 / A girl waiting for her mother to harvest rice
2015 / Yangon
托鉢に来られる僧侶との関係性が羨ましい / I envy the relationship with the monks who come to religious mendicancy
2017 / Yangon
バガン遺跡の中で遊ぶ少年 / A boy playing among the Bagan ruins
1996 / Bagan, Mandalay Region
コロニアル建築 / Colonial architecture
2019 / Yangon
お寺でお昼寝 / Taking a nap at the temple
2020 / Yangon
かごを運ぶ男性 / Man carrying a basket
1996 / Bago
スーレーパゴダが見える窓 / Window with a view of the Sule Pagoda
2019 / Yangon
移動は小舟で / Transportation by small boat
2014 / Inle Lake, Shan State
何度も出会った人 / I've met him many times
1996 / Namhsan, Shan State
ブーゲンビリアはビルマ語でセックーパン、紙の花という意味 / Bougainvillea is the Burmese word for “Sekupang”, meaning paper flower
2016 / Yangon
鏡に映る夫婦の写真 / Picture of a husband and wife reflected in a mirror